Saturday, November 12, 2011

Reporters vist the Fukushima Nuclear power plant

For the first time Japan allows reporters to visit the plant after the worst nuclear accident in history.

As we recall the terrible event took place, Japan was hit by a terrible earthquake and tsunami back in March of this year.   It is said to take about 30 years to clean up the damage surrounding the plant.  The reactor will be encased in reinforced concrete and steel plates, and will need to be inspected in the future to reseal its permanent tomb.

I am not certain that our nuclear plants are completely safe.  We see with climate change how strong storms and flooding have been affecting our landscape.  We have seen earthquakes here and quakes have been felt in the Midwest.  There were plans to build new plants in the US, if so they will need to revise backup power for these plants that  must pump water to cool the reactor.

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